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29, 05 2023

Optional Beta - Refund Request Approve

Marketplacer has a new mutation, a replacement and upgrade to our RefundRequestRefund mutation. This mutation is called RefundRequestApprove. It allows you as the operator complete refund requests with much more clarity and control than previously. At the most simple form, you can provide the RefundRequestApprove mutation with the refund ID and we will complete a mirror of all those line item values for you. For example a $100 item with $20 of commission and $80 of remittance will be automatically used to create the amendment. For a more granular level of detail, the RefundRequestApprove mutation allows you to provide us with the Line Item Amount, Commission Amount and Remittance amount, giving you even more control, but we will still calculate the taxes on these three values using the rates stored on the invoice. For the utmost level of control, not only can you provide the above values, but also the taxes on them, if you wish. You no longer need to provide that information with custom line items and refunds completed in this way will reference the original invoice line item, which can assist greatly with visibility and reconciliation. This feature is compatible with RefundRequestRefund and adopting it will not require your current API contracts to change. However, it will change the outputs of the remittance PDFs and add extra fields to existing data tables and GraphQL amendments. for that reason this is a feature you are able to opt into, if you have any questions please reach out to us to see if this upgrade can be of value to you.

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